Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Whores Were Out!!

As I watched the so called Healthcare Summit today, one thing that was painfully obvious is the reported $1,000,000.00 per day lobby dollars that is allegedly being spent by special interest who are only interested in keeping the status quo, has clearly made penetration deeply on Capitol Hill. The mice in the Capitol building probably have dug in on one side or the other, because they too have probably been paid off by some of the money flying around on the Hill. The media also has received "sweet" influences or marching orders as well. It appears to me that none of the mainstream media outlets are reporting the facts free of distortion and trickery. No one seemed willing to change, and the Republicans appeared to be most paid as they were reminded by the President eight times, by my count, to please abandon old familiar talking points. You cannot say something must be done and then stick with the same old talking points. Also, the most over used line is: "we need to start over from scratch". The reason that over-used talking point is stupid to keep uttering is because what's the point in saying you're starting over only to come right back to all you've ever had in the first place. In other words, we are to assume that both sides have already given an issue of this seriousness much thought and have presented their best shot already. Therefore, the best efforts or thoughts from both sides are already on the table. To start with a blank sheet of paper in the the hands of both sides only to have them come right back to where we are now is insane. That's why I feel that the money (lobby pay-outs) has already cut deep. It is going to be almost impossible to get meaningful change. I hope I am proven wrong! Furthermore, the American people continue to suffer each day the matter drags on. The people who have coverage are facing outrageous premium increases, and the people without coverage are simply in a very difficult situation. Also, the seniors who have Medicare are relying on a system that is destine to cave in soon without effective reform. Let's hope that the Washington "walking ATMs" will deplete themselves of cash soon and back off so the whores can take off their sexy nighties and return to true legislative clothing and take care of the American people's needs.


Thinking About You

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Healthcare Reform! It's Time To Put Up or Shut Up!

It is very perplexing to me that an issue, that by all indications, more than seventy percent (70%) of Americans want reformed is stalled and has been bogged down in Congress for a year and running as of present. The Republicans say America doesn't want this. The Democrats say their plans have not been explained to the American people well enough. Nevertheless, both sides say we must have reform. We cannot just do nothing they say. Having heard all of the above and much more, I don't know about most other everyday Americans like me, but this is mind boggling. Therefore I can only result to studying my own laymen-common sense observations. The Republicans suggest selling/buying insurance across state lines and offering tax credits that amount to about forty-two percent (42%) of an average healthcare cost per American household of $12,000.00. The Republicans just as their Democratic colleagues, also propose to eliminate the ability for insurance companies to decline individuals based upon pre-existing conditions. The Democrats propose a plan that would cover all people specifically the thirty-one million that do not have coverage now. It would be mandatory to obtain coverage via various methods made available based upon income, etc. The Democrats also want to place a cap on what insurance companies can charge their enrollees. There is language from both sides regarding protecting Medicare and both sides have ideas regarding assisting small businesses with providing coverage to their employees either by subsidies or tax relief. The above mentioned are some of the main highlights from each side. Both sides have much more verbiage and ideas listed. Both sides claim to be driven to accomplish the following: (1) Lower cost. (2) End pre-existing conditions being used against individuals. (3) Expand the availability of coverage from its present state.

Now, the understanding that something must be done is correct. The most input I've heard suggesting basically to leave it alone or expressions of fears that reform may make things worst, are coming from seniors who are Medicare recipients presently. Talks suggesting doing nothing clouds the issue and stalls progress. Also, whenever you say "stop this thing" referring to healthcare legislation, but offer no alternative solutions, then you are in essence saying: "do nothing...leave it as is ". As I mentioned within the first few lines of this note, seventy percent plus (70%+) of Americans want healthcare reform addressed. Nothing has happened at this point and its so polarizing because of the lobby power, in Washington. It's sad to say that the whores are still willing and open for business from both sides when it comes to receiving money regardless of what the American people who send them to Washington wants. Here's what I think:

  1. As I mentioned above, since many of the individuals who are seemly suggesting the status quo remain are Medicare recipients, raise the medicare eligibility to seventy-five (75) years of age for two years while we fine tune the matter. This action would clear up much rhetoric and bring more broad range of "pinch feeling" or "common endurance" to the "I don't have coverage crowd". Then we get far more honest input void of selfishness. Also, it would save us quite a bit of money. In other words, let's put these folks in the same place as people who do not have coverage right now. They will have to go out and buy it utilizing their own resources. Then if we can still proceed with less people on Medicare and the same individuals who now have to buy their own coverage can survive and are still convinced that we do not need reform due to cost factors, violation of free enterprise, socialism, etc. then make the measure permanent.
  2. Have congressmen pay for their healthcare as all other Americans do. Their present salaries should enable them to do so. No special rules or treatment.
  3. Reduce Medicaid down to children only, unless you can demonstrate clearly identifiable disabilities.
  4. Pass laws that forbid all healthcare related lobbying in Washington, D.C. Insurance entities, drug companies, medical services suppliers, etc.
  5. Give states the option to provide coverage for its citizens if they still want to as is now in Massachusetts and few other states. The states citizens can decide via vote.
  6. Allow or encourage non-profit healthcare insurance providers that may fund themselves via 5013c solicitation of funds and collecting a premium from their enrollees. The state may provide oversight.

I could go on perpetually with thoughts. The idea is to clarify the debate by placing more individuals in a situation where honestly rather than selfishness can allow the efforts of reform to flow smoothly.

In conclusion, I do believe that we can reform healthcare, but all Americans must see and feel the need to do so.


Thinking About You

Monday, February 22, 2010

Time To Take A Break.... Or Give Us A Break

As I browsed the headlines from the political arena for the day (Feb. 22, 2010), I was happy to see one particular headline regarding Scott Brown voting for the $15 billion Jobs Bill which was Harry Reid's latest edition of cures for our economic crisis. I am not a big fan of the bill itself because I'm not sure yet if its the most effective strategy at this time considering it will generate more debt. In other words, my question is: Are we getting the most for our money or debt? Nevertheless, it was pleasing and pleasantly surprising to finally see these people reaching across party lines to at least attempt to get something done. In addition to Brown, three other republicans voted for the bill as well. They were Kit Bond (MO.), Susan Collins (ME.), Olympia Snow (ME.) and George Voinovich (OH). It was equally as pleasing to see that Democrat Bill Nelson of Florida voted against the bill. All of this is a sign that sticking with "the party" no matter what rather than embracing America's needs may be coming down. That's a good thing!! If you can break old bad habits, then you can begin to train a dog, monkey, horse, or maybe even ladies and gentlemen new tricks. We need new tricks for the good of all Americans in Washington.

However, as happy as I was to see the Senate going across the lines in rare fashion these days, I was equally as disturbed as I surfed the news networks to see Sean Hannity still standing on the same old stage. This guy will never see the need to sometimes identify at least "one" positive thing across party lines. Message to Mr. Hannity: this is not Alabama vs. Auburn, Michigan vs. Ohio State, or USC vs. Notre Dame. These parties' actions in Washington unfortunately dictate the future of all Americans. It is time to stop "flapping our gums" in support of the side we chose while cutting the throat of the opposition party. Even if it means lying or distorting. This is not sports or playground after school games. The actions of these people in Washington will have a lasting affect on our lives and our children's lives.

Let's hope that Scott Brown (R- MA.) will give Mr. Hannity a call and tell him to "take a break"...."go on vacation"..... or do something else for a while. Just give us all a break from the partisan garbage. It's time for serious people to step up. Even if they're in the Media. Oh, but wait.... I forgot, he gets paid to sell garbage!! In that case. we shouldn't listen to him anyway. Maybe he'll go away. You think?


Thinking About You

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Same Old Thing..... Don't Fall For It

It's unfortunate that the so-called "Conservatives" (including Tea Baggers, Republicans, and whatever else) some of which that met in Washington this past week and others who have gone around the country for the entire past year (by the way, where were they two years ago, three years ago, five years ago, etc. We needed them then if they are actually sincere about being fiscally responsible.)These people are embracing the same old thing. The same old faces are always there: Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and we certainly will not ever forget, Ms. Ann Coulter. There's a whole host of other traditional Republican characters as well. These folks are very much part of the reason we are in the mess we're in right now. They have no interest whatsoever in the everyday working and/or small business operating responsible American. I heard Glenn Beck say something Saturday when he was speaking to the effect of " a struggling person must pull himself up by his own boot straps". What Mr. Beck does not consider is that fifteen years ago when he says he pulled himself up by his boot straps, boot straps were available to pull on. Thanks to the thought process of most of the people in the room with him where he was speaking there are no boot straps available at this juncture. The idea that welfare and entitlements are bad when it comes to the person across the tracks in the shadows of high-rise buildings or down the road in the fragile trailer parks, but somehow is good for America when it is administered or distributed incognito often times covertly in the form of bailouts to institutions or organizations that grow wealthier at taxpayers expense, but do nothing to lend or invest back into the everyday American is "OK" is a travesty. The people in the room with him will tell you any day that massive military spending for an enemy that no longer exist in the form of the Cold War era is needed. When in fact, much of it is high-tech welfare. They will also tell you that cronyism and allowing entities such as insurance companies, drug companies, medical equipment suppliers, etc. to run rampant in pricing here in our nation is allowance of the "free market system" to manifest itself. When in fact, that is okay if the playing field is allowed to be level from the beginning, but everyone knows by now that most of these cronies have reached their present status via government subsidies, exemption from anti-trust laws, and the list goes on. Once again.... high-tech welfare. These are big ticket items that some of the same old faces/families have rode into enormous wealth at our expense for decades. These people have no interest in allowing an environment where people can go to work everyday and make their own way or I should say " pull themselves up by their own boot straps", but all they really want is to continue keeping us occupied with division, confusion, separatism and classism while they continue to loot and steal by carrying out high-tech welfare.

The efforts you have seen the past year including this weekend are diversion tactics manipulating some of those same people mentioned above in those stressful shadows of the high-rises and falling trailers across this great land. These manipulative tactics are designed to make everyday Americans think they are a part of us and we are a part of them.... all the same. Not so!!! If we fall for it, the high-tech welfare recipients will continue to raid the treasury through no bid contracts; fake think tanks that receive huge grants; privatized agencies that cost the country huge amounts of money to perform services that use to be done by government itself for a fraction of the cost; and comical earmarks that only allow politicians from both sides of the aisle to keep their jobs as front men for all of these raiders and high-tech welfare cases. These people make pensions disappear; investments vanish; and jobs fade completely out of the land.

Please don't fall for it. It's the same old thing wearing different costumes. Let's somehow pull together and find a voice or means of avoiding the same old thing. The lobby power is strong, but persistent unity is stronger.

Stay tuned and let's talk some more.

Mad love for America and all Americans.


Thinking About You